Virtual Classes

  • Person is laboring in a hospital bed with the support of her partner, who is squeezing her hips.

    Hospital Birth Prep - $45

    A live virtual, 2-hr group class.

    Best For
    : This class is not strictly focused on unmedicated or “natural” birth but will provide a range of evidence-based options and information so you can make the choice that’s right for YOUR best birth.

    Format: 2-hour live virtual class, 6-8p
    Dates: Jan 9, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 9, May 14
    **link to join will be emailed after registration.


    What is happening in your body at the end of pregnancy

    How to know when you’re in labor and how to prepare for your trip to the hospital

    When to go to the hospital and what to expect when you get there

    Hormones in Labor - How to protect them & put them to work for you in birth

    Birth Basics - Ripening, Effacement, Dilation, Station + More

    Optimal Fetal Positioning - Everything you need to know for an easier labor.

    Labor Sights & Sounds - A thorough break-down of each stage of labor. What to expect for the laboring person and their partner.

    Pain Relief Options - an overview of hydrotherapy, nitrous, IV pain meds and epidural.

    Comfort Measures - Learn techniques and positions for managing pain and helping labor progress as efficiently as possible.

    Cesarean Birth Overview - learn what to expect and options available, including Family Centered Cesarean (aka Gentle Cesarean).

    Birthing Rights & Self-Advocacy Tools

  • Newborn Care Basics - $45

    A live virtual, 2-hr group class.

    Best For: New & experienced parents, grandparents, other newborn caregivers. Doula Barb will walk you not only caring for your newborn, but for yourself, too.

    Format: 2-Hour live virtual class, 11a-1pCST
    Dates: Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 12
    **link to join will be emailed after registration.

    Common Skin Concerns
    - Normal vs not, rashes, nails, hair, umbilical cord care and when to call your pediatrician

    Diapering - Organization tips and advice from a seasoned professional

    Newborn Poop - What to expect during the first few weeks

    Burping Demo - demo with props ways to hold and burp your baby.

    Baby’s First Bath - When, how, supplies and other considerations

    Soothing Your Baby - we’ll discuss 5 proven techniques you can use to help soothe your baby during their 4th trimester transition.

    Cluster Feeding & Growth Spurts - Timing and how to support everyone through them

    Understanding Newborn Sleep - Setting healthy expectations & strategies for maximizing rest

    Healthy Sleeping Arrangements - We’ll explore healthy sleep guidelines

    Normalizing Postpartum Self-Care - Including 3 options for writing a Postpartum Plan

    Time for Q&A at the end of class